Vision and Principles Statement for Science
Our Science curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum. Teaching and learning in Science is usually taught discretely but it is integrated into our themes where possible. We generally develop scientific knowledge and understanding through an enquiry model. This means that pupils are constantly thinking critically as well as refining and developing working scientifically skills that enable them to explore emerging ideas and concepts in the subject and beyond, and ask new questions of their own. We enable pupils to know what being a scientist entails, to observe the world around them, and empower them to work scientifically and to explain how and why things happen using their scientific knowledge, understanding and process knowledge (skills) in progressively accurate ways.
Class teachers follow our curriculum progression documents to underpin planning and teaching, ensuring subject knowledge is developed and retained. The progression document outlines the development of scientific knowledge and the enquiry skills that are taught. Knowledge organisers are used to set out the key knowledge that children will learn in a particular unit of work. Formative assessment practices enable teachers to adapt lessons within units of work to ensure that key knowledge is developed. Teachers provide support and guidance to pupils, enabling them to learn and retain the required knowledge and process knowledge (skills).